Legislation will enter into force after signature of the president and publication in the federal gazette
The upper house of the German parliament on 22 November 2024 approved the Annual Tax Act 2024 (“the Act”), following approval by the lower house of parliament on 18 October 2024. The Act will enter into force after being signed by the president and published in the federal gazette, both of which are mere formalities and are expected to take place in late November/early December 2024. The Act likely is the last tax legislative measure of the current government before the planned snap elections on 23 February 2025. All pending legislative proposals are automatically terminated when a new parliament is elected.
The approved law incorporates a variety of technical updates and amendments based on EU law developments and EU jurisprudence, as well as decisions from the federal tax court and the federal constitutional court. In addition, the Act includes several streamlining measures and technical corrections that are required as a result of previous tax law changes. The Act does not include any comprehensive tax reform measures or changes in tax rates.
The most significant measures included in the Act are the following:
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Andreas Maywald
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