The German tax authorities on 5 March 2024 issued three decrees related to the application and interpretation of the real estate transfer tax (RETT) rules. The decrees include updated guidance as a result of changes to the RETT Code and provide some additional clarification of the legal provisions. The decrees focus on certain types of share transfers and the exemption rule for transactions between a partnership and its partners.
Due to RETT reform in 2021, the RETT threshold was reduced from 95% to 90% and the RETT partnership rules were extended to corporations. As a result of the application of the partnership rules to corporations, RETT generally is triggered if 90% or more of the shares in a German real estate-owning corporation are directly or indirectly transferred to either one new owner or multiple new owners within a 10-year monitoring period. RETT is, in addition, triggered if 90% or more of the shares in a German real estate-owning entity are directly or indirectly combined for the first time in the hands of a new shareholder (sections 1 (3) nos. 1 and 2 RETT Code).
The decrees include the following noteworthy comments from the tax authorities related to the application of the 90% first-time combination rule:
German RETT rules provide for an exemption from RETT where real estate is transferred from a partner to its partnership or from a partnership to its partner to the extent that the partner holds an interest in the partnership (certain additional conditions must be met, e.g., a 10/15-year minimum holding period). An exemption also might apply where real estate is transferred from one partnership to another partnership having identical partners with identical ownership percentages. The partnership exemption rule will expire on 31 December 2026.
The decrees include the following noteworthy comments:
The updated decrees provide helpful explanations and examples and are a welcome clarification of several provisions in the RETT Code that were amended over the last couple of years. The decrees, in addition, illustrate the increased complexity of the RETT rules and the importance to carefully analyze the RETT implications of transactions that (directly and indirectly) involve German real estate-owning entities. Complying with RETT notification requirements is essential, due to the short notification periods. RETT should be considered early on in a transaction so that sufficient time remains to properly analyze the RETT consequences, filing obligations, and information required for doing the filings. It also should be highlighted that the guidance provided by the decrees is limited to the application of section 1 (3) RETT Code and the partnership exemption rule. Additional RETT rules might have to be considered in transactions, and the application of these rules might add to the complexity.
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Maria de Orofino
Sebastian Ahrens
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